
林欣美 老師

發佈單位 : 新興產業策略與發展學位學程 發佈者 : 曾郁婷專任助理


國立暨南國際大學 國際企業管理學系 教授








  1. 2019年 Association of Trend Management,「2019 International Conference on Global Trend Management」, Best Paper Award
  1. 2019年 Association of Trend Management,「2019 International Conference on Global Trend Management」, Best Paper Award
  1. 2018年 淡水馬偕精神人文與商管研討會 最佳論文獎
  2. 2011年 「中國走向全世界」第五屆年會,哈佛大學 最佳論文獎
  3. 2016年 科技部 補助傑出優秀人才獎勵
  4. 2014年 科技部 補助傑出優秀人才獎勵
  5. 2013年 科技部 補助傑出優秀人才獎勵
  6. 2012年 科技部 補助傑出優秀人才獎勵
  7. 2013年 聯電管理論文獎 優等獎
  8. 2011年 國立暨南國際大學 傑出優秀研究獎
  9. 2008年 國立暨南國際大學 教學貢獻獎
  10. 2002年 斐陶斐獎章
  11. 2022年 科管會 碩士論文獎優等獎 (學生林苑余) 指導教授獎
  12. 2022年 科管會 碩士論文獎優等獎 (學生陳美黛) 指導教授獎
  13. 2019年 科管會 碩士論文獎優等獎 (學生楊政議) 指導教授獎
  14. 2021年 科管會 碩士論文獎佳作獎 (學生楊采縈) 指導教授獎
  15. 2021年 科管會 碩士論文獎佳作獎 (學生劉順利) 指導教授獎
  16. 2019年 科管會 碩士論文獎佳作獎 (學生何珮琳) 指導教授獎
  17. 2019年 科管會 碩士論文獎佳作獎 (學生薛明演) 指導教授獎
  18. 2019年 科管會 碩士論文獎佳作獎 (學生徐國鼎) 指導教授獎
  19. 2019年 科管會 碩士論文獎佳作獎 (學生施采萱) 指導教授獎
  20. 2018年 科管會 碩士論文獎佳作獎 (學生甘蕙蘭) 指導教授獎
  21. 2018年 科管會 碩士論文獎佳作獎 (學生張朝勇) 指導教授獎
  22. 2017年 科管會 碩士論文獎佳作獎 (學生洪沛彣) 指導教授獎
  23. 2017年 科管會 碩士論文獎佳作獎 (學生洪政勛) 指導教授獎
  24. 2017年 科管會 碩士論文獎佳作獎 (學生羅明模) 指導教授獎
  25. 2015年 科管會 碩士論文獎佳作獎 (學生林俊彥) 指導教授獎



  1. Chih-Pin Lin, Chi-Jui Huang, Hsin-Mei Lin and C. M. Chuang, 2019. The Origin of the Country-of-Origin Image: The Role of Law. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 29(5), 617-635. (行銷學領域排名12,SSCI, IF=2.75)
  2. Hsin-Mei Lin, Carol Shuling Huang , 2019. INGO affiliate’s dual legitimacy in institutional environments with multiple dimensions for social welfare practice: The case of an INGO in Taiwan and its affiliate in Kyrgyzstan. International Journal of Social Welfare.  29: 205-218 29: 205-218. (Social Work領域排名22,SSCI, IF=1.031)
  3. 黃啟瑞、陳澤義、張彤、林志斌、林欣美,2019,探討影響銀行企業社會責任之因素: 以兩岸三地為例,東吳經濟商學學報,98,頁31-66。(ACI)
  4. Hung, Chao-Chih, Huan, Tzung-Cheng, Lee, Chun-Han, Lin, Hsin-Mei, and Zhuang, Wen-Long, 2018. To adjust or not to adjust in host country? Perspective of interactionism. Employee Relations, 40(2), 329-345. (Industrial Relations and Labor領域排名12,SSCI, IF=1.496).
  5. Jeremy Clegg, Hsin-Mei Lin, Hinrich Voss, I-Fan Yen, and Yi-Tien Shih, 2016. The OFDI Patterns and Firm Performance of Chinese Firms: The Moderating Effects of Multinationality Strategy and External Factors. International Business Review, 25(4): 971–985. (國際企業管理領域前五名期刊,SSCI, IF=1.669)
  6. Yi-Tien Shih, Hsin-Mei Lin and I-Fan Yen, 2015. The Force of Investing in China: The Perspectives of RBV-Based Pull Force or MBV-Based Push Force. In LISS 2014 (pp. 1591-1596). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (EI)
  7. Hsin-Mei Lin and I-Fan Yen, 2015, The Determinants of Chinese MNEs’ Performance Effect: China OFDI From the Portfolio Perspective. In LISS 2014 (pp. 1585-1589). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (EI)
  8. Hsin-Mei Lin, Peng-Jung Lin, I-Fan Yen, Yi-Tien Shih, 2013. Knowledge Transfer among MNE’s Subsidiaries: A Conceptual Framework for Knowledge Management. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 6(1): 6-14. (ABI, EI)
  9. Hsin-Mei Lin, Peng-Jung Lin, 2013. The Effect of Resource Characteristics on Organizational Learning Mechanisms and Routes - Evidence from Taiwan. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 5(4): 200-210. (ABI, EI)
  10. Hsin-Mei Lin, Heng-Chiang Huang, Chih-Pin Lin, and Wen-Chung Hsu, 2012. How to Manage Strategic Alliances in OEM-Based Industrial Clusters: Network Embeddedness and Formal Governance Mechanisms. Industrial Marketing Management, 41(3): 449-459. (美國行銷領域第12名期刊,SSCI, IF=1.933)
  11. Hsin-Mei Lin, 2012. The Dynamic Evolution and Technological Diffusion in Taiwan’s TFT-LCD Industrial Cluster: A Network Perspective. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 24(5): 435-451. (策略管理領域前五名期刊,SSCI, IF=1.095).
  12. Wen-Chung Hsu, Xin-Gbo Gao, Jian-Hua Zhang, Hsin-Mei Lin, 2011. The Effects of Outward FDI on Home-Country Productivity: Do Location of investment and Market Orientation Matter?. Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 4(2): 99-116. (RePEc; APEL (Asia-Pacific Economic Literature); ECONIS; Econlit; and Cabell's Directory;英國組織行為與人力資源領域重要期刊)
  13. Hsin-Mei Lin and Yi-Ping Ding, 2011. A Research Framework of Servicescape-Customer Relationship: Case Study of Spa Industry in Northern Taiwan”. Journal of Technology in Beauty Industry, 8(1), pp. 197-222.
  14. Hsin-Mei Lin, Chih-Pin Lin, and Heng-Chiang Huang, 2011. Embedding Strategic Alliances in Networks to Govern Transaction Hazards: Evidence from an Emerging Economy. Asian Business and Management, 10(2), pp.183-208. (英國國際企業管理領域重要期刊,SSCI, IF=.310).
  15. 林欣美、許文忠、顏逸帆、施懿恬,2011 ,產業集群理論研究評述與研究展望,經濟管理,第十期(第490期),33(10): 174-184。 (CSSCI,2008-2009 中國大陸管理學類第一名期刊)
  16. 許文忠、林欣美、施懿恬、顏逸帆,2011,台灣產業群聚型態與區域發展,宏觀經濟研究,第七期: 41-49。(CSSCI)
  17. Hsin-Mei Lin, Heng-Chiang Huang, and Sheng-Ya Tseng, 2010. Influences of Inter-organizational Relationships in Technology Diffusion: The Network Perspective. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 8(1): 62-80, (ABI/INFORM,英國Multidisciplinary領域前五名期刊)
  18. Hsin-Mei Lin, Ho-Min Chen, and Peter J. Sher, 2010. Firm Competitiveness, Industrial Clusters and Networks across the Strait: An Introduction to the Special Issue on “Cluster Competitiveness and Global Deployment of Taiwanese Firms”. NTU Management Review, 21(1): 1-22. (TSSCI, In Chinese,台灣不分領域前五名期刊、台灣企業管理與會計領域第1名)
  19. Hsin-Mei Lin, Ho-Min Chen, Peter J. Sher, and Katie H. Mei, 2010. Inter-Network Co-evolution: Reversing the Fortunes of Declining Industrial Networks. Long Range Planning, 43: 611-638. (決策科學-規劃發展領域前五名期刊, SSCI, IF=1.727)
  20. Ting-Lin Lin, Wen-Chung Hsu, Hsin-Mei Lin, and Ching-I Chen, 2010. An Enquiry into Hollowing out Effects in Home Exports, Technology, Innovation, and Employment. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 3(2): 338-351. (ABI, EI)
  21. Hsin-Mei Lin and Nai-Hui Su, 2009. The Ethical Motivation of Top manager’s Decision about Stakeholder Management and Firm Value0 The Journal of International Esthetic Science, 6(1): 197-212. (In Chinese)
  22. Chin-Pin Lin and Hsin-Mei Lin, 2010. Maker-Buyer Strategic Alliances: An Integrated Framework. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 25(1): 43-56. (英國行銷領域期刊第九名,SSCI, IF=.752)
  23. Hsin-Mei Lin, 2009. How Technology Policy Facilitates Technology Diffusion and Improves Firm Capability: A Dynamic Survey from a Network Perspective. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 21(7): 899-914 (策略管理領域前五名期刊,SSCI, IF= .929).
  24. 林欣美, 2009 “由車铣複合工具機整合計畫看工具機廠商合作”, 工具機與零組件,12: 58-68. 13: 74-77
  25. Hsin-Mei Lin, Beryl L. Kuo and Nai-Hui Su, 2008. The Influence of Internationalization, Board Characteristics, and Sophisticated Institutional Monitoring on Earnings Management: Evidence from Information and Electronics Industries in Taiwan. NTU Management Review, 19(1): 157-186. (TSSCI, In Chinese,台灣不分領域前五名期刊、台灣企業管理與會計領域第1名)
  26. Hsin-Mei Lin, 2007. The Governance of Inter-firm Strategic Alliances: The Perspectives of Transaction Cost and Network Embeddedness. Management Review, 26(3):pp. 25-46. (TSSCI, In Chinese,本篇獲得聯電論文獎)
    Seng-Yi Tseng and Hsin-Mei Lin, 2007. Vision Sharing, Commitment, and Market Information System: The Missing Role of Organizational Commitment as a Mediator. The International Journal of Esthetic Science, 4(1): 1-18. (In Chinese)
  27. Hsin-Mei Lin and Tseng J., 2007 “The internationalization strategy for small-sized firms in beauty industry”, The International Journal of Esthetic Science, 4(2). pp. 138-178. (In Chinese)
  28. Hsin-Mei Lin, 2006. Interorganizational collaboration, social embeddedness, and value creation: A theoretical analysis. International Journal of Management, 23(3),548. (ABI)
  29. Hsin-Mei Lin, 2004. Social-Embedding Role and Network Logic of Small-Sized Chinese Family Firms. Pan-Pacific Management Review, 7 (1): 61-82.
  30. Hsin-Mei Lin, 2004. Stability of Advertising Principal-Agent Relationship. Journal of Chinese Advertising, 9: 119-133.
  31. Shui-Hui Chuang, Tin-Chang, and Hsin-Mei Lin, 2003. The Adoption Factors of Enterprise Resources Planning. Hsao-Ping Academic Report, 6: 31-48.


